Sunday, November 30, 2008

Imekuwa Kitambo

Sikumbuki mara ya mwisho nikiandika chochote kwa hii lugha. Nafikiri ilikuwa katika mtihani wa fasihi ya KCSE. Lahaula! Nimesahau vitu kama minyambuliko wa vitenzi, mithali na kadhalika. Ninashuku kama ninaweza kufunza mtu yoyote kuhusu kiswahili. Nifanyeje? Labda nitaanza kuandika hapa saa zingine kwa lugha halafu tuone itaendeleaje? Labda hata siku nyingine hivi karibuni, nitaandika hapa kuhusu "Jifunze kiswahili". Au sio?


Anonymous said...

Kip -
this is, by far, your worst post ever. It wasn't funny, to me. It wasn't informative, to me. It wasn't something I was likely to read aloud to my wife. For all I could tell, it was just a series of random letters with some punctuation. I've come to expect better from your posts. I hope they start making sense again.

kipchirchir said...


See, sometimes when boredom gets the best of me, all I can do is write gibberish. I am really good at it. This made it to the blog because some call is Kiswahili and I am coming to a realization that I may need to keep up with it if I still do want to talk to some people in motherland.

Thanks for the compliments though. I am not going to promise to not let you down though.

alyssa said...

KIP! I will start talking in only abbreviations to you if you don't start posting in words I understand!!

kipchirchir said...

Alyssatard, you already talk in abbreviations to me!

Arjun Majumdar said...

Dharun leakly, amar coub balo laglo!

kipchirchir said...

Arjun, ati nini? Wee umerukwa kichwa?